
Scrap Everything Pt 2: Done!

Admittedly, we didn't really scrap everything so much as stuff it into our parents' houses as the prologue to a novel entitled Your Worst Nightmare, Mom and Dad! Chapter one details the packing of several pounds of beans, musical equipment, and a suitcase containing some ill-fitting 90s jeans (not the best decision) and big silly shirts into the trunk of our friend Yan's Prius heading towards an unoccupied condo in Palo Alto. Since then it's been endless hikes,trips to the beach (Half Moon Bay, Bolinas), poolside lounging, playing music, and of course, bean-based cuisine. Gone is that familiar anxiety-based stomachache-- it has been replaced entirely by beans. Had I known that quitting my job would be so luxurious, I would have quit long ago.

Up next: planning our next move for when the vacation's over/we run out of money.


vanessa said...

oh oh put chicago in your plans before you run out of moneyz! i swear you can get here on the cheap, and then you will be in the glorious midwest.

My Bachelorette Pad said...

no portlandia??